Show Notes
In this episode of the Road To Growth podcast, we are pleased to introduce you to Noah St. John. Noah is the #1 bestselling author of 15 books who’s famous for helping people get rid of their head trash so they can live happier, wealthier lives.
A 20-year media veteran, Noah has appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, The Hallmark Channel, NPR, Entrepreneur on Fire (3 times), The Jenny McCarthy Show (4 times), Los Angeles Business Journal, Entrepreneur.com, Selling Power and The Huffington Post.
Gary Vaynerchuk says, “I’ve known Noah for a long time and he consistently brings value to his audience!” In fact, Noah can give your audience some insanely awesome lifestyle and wealth hacks from his new book Power Habits®: The New Science for Making Success Automatic® including... How to Overcome Success Anorexia The 3 Fail-Proof Tricks to Stop Negative Self-Talk and Defeat Your Inner Critic The 3 Simple Secrets to Overcome Procrastination Once and For All The 3 Foolproof Steps to Take Out Your Head Trash About Money How Traditional “Success” Programs Set You Up To Fail The 3 Power Habits® of Unconsciously Successful People
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Full Transcript
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Unknown Speaker 1:10 Alright, so we are here with Noah St. JOHN. I know I had to read this quote from from Gary Vee where he says about you, I've known know for a long time, and he consistently brings value to his audience. Unknown Speaker 1:21 Yep. He's a good friend I've known I was actually at his very first public talk, believe it or not way well over a decade ago, and we've been friends ever since I actually hosted him when he was doing his book tour here in the Cleveland area, and got to spend two days with him. And he's basically a cyborg. I've discovered So yeah, I don't think he's human. He's a cyborg. So, but he's a he's a he's an amazing guy. Unknown Speaker 1:47 Hopefully you will hold this against me. So I actually, I only heard about him beginning of last year. Actually, I was talking about doing the podcast talking about with some other people. And they're like, have you heard of like Gary Vee has like, who Gary Vee. And so I started listening to stuff and I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm quoting this guy. Unknown Speaker 2:04 Yes. So yeah, well, he's very brilliant. You know, he's been a dear friend for many years. And you know, a great supporter of my work. So, yeah, I mean, to and by the way, he doesn't give testimonials to anybody. So for me to have that testimonial for Gary Vee is, is quite an honor. Unknown Speaker 2:20 So you mean, now you've been in the business, I believe, because when he does he got the business or recently, right when you start doing motivational stuff only recently, right? Unknown Speaker 2:29 Yeah, relatively recently. I've been I started my company in 1997, in my college dorm room with $800 to my name and a book on how to do HTML. So I've been doing this for over two decades. Now. In fact, one of my clients pointed out that I've actually been doing this in four different decades, the 90s the odds, the 10s are now in the 20s. So they're just and you know, in that time, Vinny, we've helped our coaching clients at over $2.7 billion in sales, meaning we've helped our coaching clients ads You know, six figures multiple six, seven, and yes, even eight figures. So we've helped people in real estate and help the health profession in network marketing, you know, entrepreneurs, business owners, working moms, celebrities, athletes, teenagers, we help people overcome PTSD. So it's, it's really been an incredible journey over these last, you know, two decades plus Unknown Speaker 3:20 How has the the coaching business changed a time because you've written 15 books, correct? Yep. And so I have to think that now it's probably a lot easier to put a book out then when you first started. Unknown Speaker 3:32 Well, everything is easier and harder and harder and easier. And so, here's what I mean by that. When I started in 1997, anybody anybody listening is programming remember being online in 1997? And so I mean, it was a you couldn't have any, you know, pictures on your website. I mean, maybe two by three pixels big I mean, no and video, forget it. There was no video back then. Of course, there was no social media, no blogs, no, no, no YouTube, Facebook and all the stuff we have today. So, I mean, it was basically just me and Al Gore back then. So it was, it was harder in the sense that just the technology wasn't there. But it was easier because there was hardly anybody there, you know, it was like, you know, kind of a ghost town in a way, which was good. I mean, people would Google fear of success, and I would come up number one, you know, so people would just find me just typing that in. Unfortunately, those days are gone, you know, because a billion people have their a billion blogs right now today, you know, so it's just, it's just a lot harder to get seen above. And through the noise. We as I often teach my clients and you know, when I do speaking events, you know, I'm doing speaking events for chiropractors or health professionals or real estate or Network Marketers. You know, I often say we don't live in the information age, we live in the information overload age, you know, we are all on overload and and there's just too many blogs, there's too much information. So you know, one of the Things that we do with our clients very specifically is help them cut through the clutter literally to, you know, to stop, just get rid of that information overload. And frankly, that's one of the reasons you know, I mentioned I've written and published 15 books now, that's one of the things that I teach people is, you know, a lot of people come to me and say, Hey, you know, I want to write a book, how have you written 15 books, and that's one of the ways that I teach people is to be able to focus to just get rid of the distractions, which is a huge thing nowadays. Unknown Speaker 5:27 So have you had to reinvent yourself or dive deeper into who you were originally and be more hyper focused? Or how has that transition been for you? Unknown Speaker 5:37 Well, you know, back in 1997, I had two epiphany that changed my life that have really led to what all the work that I had been doing these last two decades, and that is, you know, the first thing I discovered was how to change your brain using empowering questions, which I call my out formations method. I've written several books on that, call my app formations, and you can go to App formations calm and learn more about that. And then the second thing that I discussed It was what I call the power habits of unconsciously successful people. What highly successful people do unconsciously that they can't teach you. So highly successful people are doing a lot of things unconsciously. Which means that they're not even aware they're doing it. And if you're not aware you're doing something, how can you teach it? The answer is you can't. And that's one of the reasons why people come to my events, or they hire me as a coach, after they've gone to all the Guru's. And they're still stuck, because it's like, well, I spent all this money and they told me all this stuff, and I'm still stuck. And I said, Yeah, it's because they left out all the good stuff. It's kind of like they gave you the pizza, and they left off the cheese and the topics. Is it really a pizza? Sort of, but not really. So anyway, I give I give you the whole pizza, which is kind of nice. So that's one of the reasons we get so many results for our clients. But so you asked about reinvention. And yes, I mean, one of the things that I've done just very recently in the last few years is now I also in addition to helping people with their what I call get rid of your head trash, meaning how to stop stopping yourself in success. I also teach you how to do the digital marketing piece. For many years I didn't do that even though I've been doing digital marketing for over 20 years. But I didn't teach it because the guru and this is so funny. I listened to them too. I listened to the Guru's. Well, you can only do one thing, you can't teach digital marketing and habits and I go, okay. And meanwhile, and finally I said, What the hell? am I listening these idiots for a while? Why am I paying attention to these morons when I can do this in my sleep. And so that's when I started teaching the digital marketing pace. And now people get very excited because I'm really I'm such a nerd. I'm just the nerdiest nerd in the industry. And that means that I just get down to the molecular level, I create checklists, because I wish somebody would have given me a checklist long time ago, they never did. So I create these checklists that people can follow. And that's one of the reasons we help people make a lot of money. Unknown Speaker 7:44 So walk me through where you Where do you come from? Where were you born? Unknown Speaker 7:48 Absolutely. Well, so I grew up. I grew up poor in a rich neighborhood. I know that's a total cliche, but I grew up in this little town called Kennebunkport, Maine, which just happens to be one of the wealthiest communities in New England but my family was dirty. Poor and I mean that literally because we lived at the bottom of a dirt road in a drafty unfinished house that my parents ended up losing to foreclosure. So from a very young age, I was painfully exposed to the gap the chasm between the haves and the have nots, the haves as everyone else. The community, the have nots was my family. So, you know, you hear speakers get on stage all the time, say, well, we were, we were poor, but we were happy. We didn't even know we were poor. Well, in my family, we freaking knew we were poor, because my mother reminded us every day that we were poor and miserable, so no, it wasn't happy. It sucked, you know, so I hated that life of poverty and fear and lack and not enough this because right down the street, I said, there's great wealth and abundance, but I didn't know how to bridge that gap. So I just being a nerd. I think the only thing a nerd would do is I went to the library and I read lots of books, Stephen Covey, Napoleon Hill, you know, Dale Carnegie, all the classics of self help. I really, really tried to apply them. And you know, I, I wrote really, really hard but I could never just seem to get ahead. I never seen to get that success that I was looking for. So you know, at the age of 25, and I do share the story in my books. You know, I decided to commit suicide, I decided to take my own life because I was so depressed and I didn't see a way out. Now at the very last moment, my life was spared. And I didn't know why. But I decided to devote the rest of my life to serving God and serving humanity as best I could while I was still here on the earth, but the problem was, I still didn't know I was here on the earth. So I went on another long journey, a spiritual journey, reading lots of you know, spiritual books, more of an inner journey. And that's, you know, led ultimately to in 1997, starting my company starting success clinic calm, which ultimately became one of the first, you know, original personal and business growth websites on the internet. So really, that whole process was in what I do today. And you know, what I'm still doing all these years later, it really was born from you know, that growing up in poverty, not being happy, being very unhappy about having that poverty and seeing that there was another way to live. Unknown Speaker 9:50 Okay, so two questions. Do you know if your parents had a conscious effort to put you your family in a basically a well to do area, even though they could really afford that community. Unknown Speaker 10:02 My father got a job as a manager, a stage manager and really a manager for artistic director. That story. He was the artistic director for a theatre company in Kennebunkport, Maine. My, you know, I was actually born in New Jersey, and then we moved to Massachusetts, and then we moved to Maine. So for some reason, they kept getting colder. And I said, Why don't we go south where it's warm? You know, why do you have to keep getting colder? You know, I never liked the cold. I'm like, ah, I hate it here. You know, so but that's, that's why we grew up there. He just, you know, had this opportunity was a great opportunity for him. And, you know, for our family, it sort of didn't quite work out. But I mean, you know, and you know, when you're a dad, you got to do these things. You got to you got to follow the money. So, you know, he was just really trying to take care of take care of the family. Ultimately, that was his, what he was trying to Unknown Speaker 10:51 do you think there's any lessons learned there of like him taking a chance and kind of rolling the dice. Oh, he's always done that. Unknown Speaker 10:57 My dad's always been a risk taker. You gotta say that. The old man and, you know, we've had these discussion many, many times. I mean, I share his stories in, in my books, and you know, we have a very close relationship. Now, we talked about all these things. But I mean, you know, he grew up in a very different environment, of course, then that I did, and, you know, my kids and so on, because, you know, he only had the tools available at the time, just like anybody does. So, you know, when that's one of the things that we that I help people with is realizing that really, when you're looking at transformation, looking at Transforming Your Life or your business, it really takes three steps. It takes the right plan, it takes the right tools, and it takes the right support. When you have the right plan, the right tools, the right support, I think you can really do pretty much anything you want. And see my dad didn't have those things. He had a he didn't really have a plan for his life. He didn't really have any good tools. And he certainly didn't have the support. And that's one of the reasons I mean, I would say that that is the reason he never really had the success that he could have had, you know, and that I've been fortunate to have, but it's taken me a long, long time much longer than I would have liked to put those things together. Unknown Speaker 12:01 So if you could look at your 25 year old self, you know, when you're in that deep depression thinking about committing suicide, do you remember that precise moment where you said, I'm not going to do this? Unknown Speaker 12:13 Oh, absolutely. I remember very clearly and, you know, because I had been very depressed for so many years, really, my whole life, I would say pretty much. When I decided to take my own life, I was very, it was very, I was very crystal about that it was very crystalline moment. And I was like, um, you know, I'm just, I'm done. And just so everybody listening is program understands. This was before the internet. This was in the early 90s. So as you know, a person that had had a lot of different experiences, tried a lot of different things. I call them survival jobs. I tried all these different survival jobs. I literally didn't see a way out and now with the opportunity that is provided by this wonderful tool called the internet. I don't think I probably would have had that. I don't think I would have gotten to that. point of just not seeing a way out. But at that time, I really didn't. And I'm like, why am I here? I don't see any reason for me to live. And then when I didn't take that final step, it again I do share that story in my books. But I mean, it was it was a moment where, okay, I'm not gonna take my own life, but I still don't know why I'm here. And so I have to find out, I literally have to find out. That's why I went back to the library. I just started reading books because I'm like, Okay, I get that I'm not gonna take my life, but I still don't know what I'm doing here. So that really was a very, very deep and profound journey for me. So when people come to me, like, I was literally just before this interview, I was on the phone, doing a coaching call with a client who is suffering from PTSD. Now, you know, he's a veteran, you know, served in the wars and so forth. And you know, I did not serve in the war my dad did, he served in Korea. So you know, I, I can certainly relate to those types of trends. You know, in that sense, realizing that it's very emotional, it's hard to let go of. And that's, you know, of course, why we do need as I just stated a moment ago, we need the right plan, you know, to get through those types of things where you need the right tools so that we can do it. And we definitely need the right support to help us get through those types of things. Unknown Speaker 14:17 And not not to keep diving on because I've had a couple people in the past that have been on here and and they were thinking about taking their own lives. One use music, you know, you help people with music to kind of come pass, he started crying, I started realizing another one was on the verge of killing himself and he took everything that was positive was him and everything negative was outside world. And he had that epiphany that basically the negative is also into I mean, are you was there any kind of like, big why of saying that? I have more to do on this world? You know, I have basically parents that they were trying for me or is that there's there's something there it was just it was just like, you know what, I'm not going to do this. I don't Unknown Speaker 14:54 know it was I was at that time I was going to fixate myself by pulling my car. into a garage, and I didn't have a garage. So I was living in an apartment with just open auto bays. So no, it was literally impossible to fixate yourself. Now I didn't have a gun, thank goodness. And so I literally just had read somewhere that you can pull your car into garage and fix it yourself. I literally got my car drove around. I was living in North Hollywood, California and just drove around looking for an open garage to pull into and and shut the door. And in my life. Well sure enough, I actually found an open garage, believe it or not. And the reason that I didn't do it was in the corner of the garage as I was pulling my car in to end my life. I saw in the corner of the garage, a child's bicycle. And I knew it was a child's bicycle because you know it had the white handlebars, you know the little things on them. Like when you were a kid and I remember having a bicycle like that. And I in my mind, I pictured a family living they're coming home finding my dead body. They're a little kids. See And it traumatizing that family probably for the rest of their lives. a total stranger, imagine coming home to a stranger killing themselves in your garage. So as I pictured that I just saw the vision in my mind. And of course, I'll never know who it was. I don't know who it was, I could never know. Because, you know, just a stranger's house. And I said, I cannot do this. It is not fair to whoever This is that I, you know, take my own life in a stranger's garage, and it traumatizes his family for life. So that's when I stopped and I said, Okay, this had to have happened for some reason. I don't know why. But okay, God, I got the message. I'm not going to do it. And that's when I pulled away and decided to say, Okay, what am I doing here? Unknown Speaker 16:44 I don't know how to read too much into it. It sounds like you were thinking about other people trying to be better for them. And even in your practice. Now, you think about the people in essence, right. So it's like, there seems like there's a Unknown Speaker 16:57 yeah, that's pretty much how I've always been, and so on. You know, in this industry sadly right now, what we have today is a lot of what I call, you know, what's a nice way to say this lying sociopaths? And what happens? Unknown Speaker 17:11 What's the bandwidth? But yeah, Unknown Speaker 17:12 so ya know. But my point is that you know, you get a lot of really great self promoters who say, hey, look at all my cool stuff. Look at me Look how cool I am and look on my, you know, look on my cars or get on my jewelry and all this crazy stuff. And I'm like, you know, listen, I get it. We all want nice things we want to provide for our families. We want to go on fun vacation, right all that. But the point that I see is or the problem that I see is have they helped anyone else have they actually made a difference for anyone else? Have they helped anyone else to get their goals? Because if it's all about you, then what is that then you have a personality instead of a system. So being the nerdiest nerd in the industry, I developed systems. That's why people come to me, they hire me as a coach or they come to my live events after they spent 10s of thousands of dollars on everyone else, and they're still stuck like you know, I tell the story of Speaking at an event in Los Angeles for about 1000 entrepreneurs, business owners, a man came up to me. And he said, No, I'm totally stuck. I'm only making 4 million a year. But I want to hire you as a coach. And I said, Well, what do you mean stuck at 4 million a year? That doesn't make any sense? He says, Well, no. My company grew to 4 million in revenues really fast. But we've been stuck for the last four years at the same level of revenues for a million. We've been plateaued, and I've hired everybody. He says, I've hired every guru. He named all the names, and I've spent 10s of thousands of dollars and we're still stuck. And he said, as soon as as soon as I heard you speak about inner game and outer game and get your foot off the brake and head trash and everything you just said, I knew you were the coach I've been looking for. He hired me on the spot. I worked with him for about a year, 18 months in that year. His company went from being stuck at 4 million for the previous four years to over 20 million in sales a literally a six times increase in one year. And the reason that I was able to do that is because of the system because it's not about me. It's not about my personality. It's about checklists. It's about systems, all that non sexy stuff that nobody wants to do. But if you don't do it, you don't get the results. So that's just one quick example of, of, you know, really what makes I think what makes you know my programs different because of how I look at it Unknown Speaker 19:13 with that person right there. Did he have to take any kind of step backwards or reinvent basically his current systems to jump from the four to? Unknown Speaker 19:21 Yes. So one of the things that I teach is about the the Can I call it the hidden connection between habits and success? In any human endeavor? there's always two components, the inner game and the outer game. inner game is everything that happens between your ears that you can't see directly, but it affects everything you do. Like, you know, when I'm speaking for a convention or a you know, live event, I often ask my audiences, what is one area of your life where your beliefs don't affect you? And of course, people go and I go, right, exactly. There's no place your beliefs don't affect you, right. They affect your health, your finances, your business, your career, your social life, your family life, your intimacy. Everything, but you can't see a belief, you can only see the effects of it. That's your inner game. But then you have the outer game, which is everything you can see directly your habits, your systems, the strategies, the blocking, and tackling the digital marketing, like I was talking about earlier, you know, your lead, magnet sales funnels, all this stuff that that the marketing dudes talk about. But it's only when you combine the two only when you master the inner game and the outer game, that you have the phenomenon called success. So that's what we worked with with that client. And with all of our clients, we work with inner game and outer game, because the thing is that, you know, again, using the client as example, he spent 10s of thousands of dollars on just the marketing stuff, but no one had shown him how to stop stopping himself from success, how to literally get out of his own way. That's the system that I've been teaching for over two decades. And that's one of the main reasons that we help our clients add, you know, six, seven and eight figures to their business while working less because we show instead of having, you know, driving harder, press on the gas harder, well, why don't we just get your foot off the brake, and that's precisely what my system does. Unknown Speaker 21:00 What do you think have been some of the biggest hurdles that you had to overcome to build your business he currently have? Unknown Speaker 21:06 Well, when I started my company in my college dorm room in 1997, I had $800. In a book on how to do HTML, I had no experience in business, marketing, sales, accounting, bookkeeping. Basically, I had no business running a business. But I just had one thing going for me only one thing, really, which was a deep burning desire to help people and make a difference. And that has been the thing that has been the constant over these last two decades. I just really want to help people I want to make a difference. And I know that's, you know, sounds funny, it sounds corny sounds cliche. But, you know, I bet you that most of the people listening to this program feel the same way have a deep burning desire to help people make a difference, make an impact. And you know, what I've worked with and you know, interviewed 100 well over 150 you know, millionaires, multimillionaires, and what's so funny is only a very, very small minority are really driven by money as their primary driver. The primary driver for most successful people that I've talked to anyway, is really that making a difference making an impact. Of course, we all want to make money, nothing wrong with making a lot of money. But if you put the money first, you're going to have some challenges that are sometimes some hot water. If you put the impact First, if you put making a difference first, then you know usually we see long term success as long as you have the other things in place to the inner game outer game, like I was just talking about. So really, I had nothing going for me except that except just a deep burning desire to help people and you know, that's been the guiding force for me I've made a heck of a lot of mistakes. I paid the group was over a quarter million dollars only to find out the county, so out of a paper bag. And so it's it's really taking a lot longer than I would have liked. And you know, of course, we always want to help more people. But you know, you just keep laying those bricks and keep going down the yellow brick road and you know, things things tend to work out. Unknown Speaker 22:54 So talking about that you spent over a quarter million dollars for these different gurus out there was there ever a moment Because, I mean, I know it's probably over 20 year timeframe. So it's not as bad. yet. Was there ever a moment where you're spending money losing money and you're like, I want to give up this business. I want to change careers. Unknown Speaker 23:12 Oh, yeah. The first 10 years, I hardly made any money. I mean, it was just I had no idea what that guy was doing. I basically had one book I my first book was called permission to succeed. It was published by the Chicken Soup for the Soul people. And I really didn't know anything still about selling programs online. And it wasn't till 2007 Look, I've been in business for 10 years, until I actually hired my first real business coach. You know, prior to that, I've been just trying to piecemeal it together kind of Frankenstein it, you know, and it was pretty ugly. So, you know, I really I hired my first business coach, and, you know, he really just taught me how to make money from at that time it was teleseminars. Now, of course, we have webinars. But really, that was the first time and that somebody really, you know, showed me how to do it who was almost as nerdy as me, which was nice. And so yeah, but it's definitely taken me a lot longer than I would have liked. And and I certainly wish that I would have able to help more people and reach more people. You know, but right now, according to Google Analytics, my programs are sold in over 150 countries around the world, which is, which is pretty awesome. Because, you know, there's no way there's no other way that I could have reached them other than to do what I'm doing. Unknown Speaker 24:25 Do you remember in 2007, after you hired your coach, when you knew that you'd made the right decision? Was there a moment? Unknown Speaker 24:31 Yeah, absolutely. Because I made a made $12,000 from my very first teleseminar with a list of fewer than 500 people. So that was that was when I knew that I could make money at this thing. And again, for everybody, listening to this program, having been in the business 10 years and really having not much success, mostly a lot of frustration. I would just encourage you to keep going you know, if you've been doing this for a while, whatever it is that you're doing and maybe haven't seen this Success that you want. Just make sure you find a good coach. Find a good mentor somebody who has, you know, a checklist, somebody who has not just a bunch of airy fairy motivational stuff. You know, we don't do like at my live events, we have a live event called freedom lifestyle. We don't do any jumping around. We don't do any of that stuff. You know, the rah rah, one of my clients called it you know, we don't do calisthenics and I'm like, No, no calisthenics, let's just get right to work. Because I just wish someone would have given me that a long time ago would have saved me a lot of heartache and money. Unknown Speaker 25:30 What do you think if you could talk to basically someone in your position that person that was maybe one what was it it was a when you're in the garage and you're driving around, look for the garage, right? Someone that that when they think everything's going wrong, just depress right there. What kind of advice would you give a person like that today? Unknown Speaker 25:50 Very simple that there is help available there is hope. There is help. You're not alone. And that's why we have I have assigned behind me before I can't read it right now. But it's just I have a sign minor that says you're not alone. Because, you know, for most of my life, and for much of my career, I felt alone. I felt like I was doing this all alone. And it's and it's hard. I mean, being an entrepreneur, owning your own business is is can be a hard, lonely road. But I would just say, it doesn't have to be that way. And whether you own a business or not, I mean, you know, it life can be hard and lonely sometimes. And so, you know, there's help available. Somebody probably figured it out, you know, where you're trying to do somebody probably figured it out. Now, whether they can teach you or not, is another story. But, you know, that's what we really endeavor to do is help people, you know, really get have in place the right plan, help them and show them the right tools, give them that support that they need, you know, so that you don't have to feel alone because I think that's what makes life really hard. Is is feeling like you're alone. And that's why you know, I definitely want to encourage people to get the help there. That is available. Unknown Speaker 27:00 So what's next for for Noah? Let's say we're talking in the next, you know, five years from now we could talk about other textbooks. We're looking Unknown Speaker 27:08 Yeah, yes, I actually I'm looking at my next three books coming out probably this year. I basically write a book by falling out of bed free myself. But I just I love books. You know, I grew up in the library. I'm a nerd, I love books. So that's why I publish so many I really enjoy them. I am going to be doing also more corporate consulting. So going into corporations, you know, I've helped people make you know, millions and millions of dollars in real estate in the health profession and network marketing. So you know, doing more keynote presentations around the world, I've already you know, spoken in about a half a dozen countries so looking to do more international presentations and speeches as well. And really just hoping to spread the word about power habits, you know, and helping people get rid of their head trash. So just just keeping going down the yellow brick road. Unknown Speaker 28:00 So if someone's listening right now and they're trying to get rid of their head trash, right, or they're in a rut, they're trying to get out of that rut what's the best way for them to to pick your brain get your coaching find your books what's the best avenues for those Unknown Speaker 28:13 very very simple just go to free head trash book calm so free head trash book calm you can actually because you're listening his program right now you can get this book it's called Get rid of your head trash about money how to avoid the three big money mistakes even smart people make and I know everybody listens programs very smart but you may be making one or more of these mistakes unconsciously so free head trash book.com are easy to remember also our main site is Noah St. JOHN calm and you can you know see different videos and things like that there's a there's a page there called book Noah you can book me to speak at your event. And Noah coaching comm Noah coaching calm is where you can get some coaching for me or one of my power habits coaches so basically Noah St. JOHN calm that's our main hub of Everything that we have as well as free head trash book calm. Unknown Speaker 29:04 They Thank you know, for being on the podcast. Thank you for all the great insight you offer. Any last word you want to say to anyone listening right now? Unknown Speaker 29:12 Yes, absolutely. I just want to share five words that really made a big difference in my life many years ago. And that is give yourself permission to succeed. Because when you give yourself permission to succeed, you also give other people permission to succeed as well in their lives. And together, that's how we can change the world and raise the consciousness of the Earth at a time that it really really needs it. Unknown Speaker 29:35 Thank you, again, be on the podcast. Hopefully all you listeners got some great information. Great tidbits right there. Doesn't matter if you've been in business for five years, 10 years, 20 years. If you plateaued, you might need a coach. Unknown Speaker 29:49 Thank you for listening to the road to growth success of an entrepreneur please like subscribe and stay connected, visit www.dn weakest group.com Yeah, I created a website. Hope to see you again next week via Greek is signing off Transcribed by https://otter.ai